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My name is Angelina. I am a Nittany Lion, also known as a Penn State graduate, who studied at both the Smeal College of Business as well as Bellisario College of Communications.  Welcome to our website, send us an email, listen to our podcast and then book a session when you are ready to start planning your holistic legacy. 

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Letter From The Founder

We’re Legacy Planning©. With a mission to have you uncover and develop your legacy, based on your values, guiding principles and vision. What this means, in where we take clients to, is freedom, fulfillment and satisfaction so legacy conversations do not equate to 'death' as is often the reaction in society. We are advisors who invite you to define legacy on your terms and follow through as your support system so you don't have to work alone in this journey.


Sometimes, you have to see the value before others do. Between our passion for great coaching questions and outcomes as well as the structure of 'life planning', this is a place where we share it all. We’re delighted you’ve joined us as your legacy is more than money and legal forms! It is your wisdom, what made you happy and what you gave in expanding this empty space that needs to be filled in!


It all started in 2012 when I wanted to design my own legacy and in not knowing where to start, I went to the internet. To my disappointment, I could not find a coach, consultant, or advisor to help me think through and plan it a legacy in what 'it' meant for and to me. Thus, I took it upon myself to offer a service to fill in the gaps - we have all heard the stories of the estate planning for celebrities and affluent individuals gone bad - and yet, it is often human issues around vulnerability that can be solved in the living years.


So where was the practical framework to address putting all the pieces together, increase self worth to 'design that ideal legacy' and muster the courage to have those difficult conversations so you can make peace with all now vs when it's too late? As we can't share client sessions, we could share a podcast to show how others are 'defining, developing and executing' their legacy - often starting from scratch - in documenting how individuals from many walks of life see and speak into their legacy plans. Whether it's sharing values or ideas for their 'legacy hard cover coffee table book', the podcast is a free gift where you can find inspiration, because it's normal to feel overwhelmed or the pressure of perfectionism.


Since 2012, I discovered I wasn’t the only one who had an interest in taking personal agency for my legacy because it can't be all work and no connection, our lives need meaningful and a vision! Soon, the podcast grew to the top 10% and then, the top 5% because it was tapping into a niche of wanting to create and plan something good but needing community as passionate about the subject of legacy to 'take action'. 


With this momentum behind us, we are finalizing our first and second book which has been five years in the making - good things take time and some things can't be rushed.  Not only will there be a 60-Day Guide published soon to distill the insights of the last ten years, since opening in early 2015, but an online course will also be filmed later this year of 2025. Our guidebook and course will offer structure as well as open-ended questions so you to start filling in the blanks for your own unique legacy - because 50% of success is simply showing up and then, showing up again to arrive at 51%, 52%, etc, of the final goal. 


All of this has helped us reach more individuals and find even podcast speakers who share our passion for good planning for the business promise of freedom, fulfillment, and satisfaction. 


We're always looking for new positive people to coach for their holistic legacies. Let's connect.

+1-310-433-1051 PST

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